2013 - 2019
University of California, Irvine
Ph.D. in Chemistry
2011 - 2013
Western Washington University
M.S. in Chemistry
2006 - 2011
Western Washington University
B.S. in Chemistry
Minor in German
Santiago Community College - Orange, CA
Course Instructor, Chem 100 (Intro to Chemistry)
Course Instructor, Chem 200A (General Chemistry I)
Course Instructor, Chem 200B (General Chemistry II)
Course Instructor, Chem 280A (Organic Chemistry I)
Chapman University - Orange, CA
Course Instructor, Chem 301 (Inorganic Chemistry)
Course Instructor, Chem 140 (General Chemistry I)
Course Instructor, Grand Challenges in Science (Freshman/Sophomore General Science)
Course Instructor, First-Year Foundational Course (Freshman/Sophomore General Science)
University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA
Discussion Instructor, Chem 107 (Inorganic Chemistry I)
Discussion Instructor, Chem 127 (Inorganic Chemistry II)
Discussion Instructor, Chem 51A (Organic Chemistry I)
Discussion Instructor, Chem 51B (Organic Chemistry II)
Discussion Instructor, Chem 51C (Organic Chemistry III)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 107L (Inorganic Chemistry I)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 51LB (Organic Chemistry I)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 51LC (Organic Chemistry II)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 1LC (General Chemistry II)
Western Washington University - Bellingham, WA
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 121 (General Chemistry I)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 122 (General Chemistry I)
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 123 (General Chemistry II)
Western Washington University - Bellingham, WA
Laboratory Instructor, Chem 123 (General Chemistry II)​
The Laotian American Community of Fresno - Online Forum​
Laotian Medicine and Research Symposium, Invited Speaker
Esperanza High School - Online Forum​
Esperanza High School STEM Club, Invited Speaker
Chapman University - Orange, CA
Dean Search Committee, Volunteer
​Irvine Unified School District - Irvine, CA
Ask-A-Scientist Night, Volunteer
Science History Institute - Philadelphia, PA
Rare Earth Elements: The Intersection of Science and Society, Game Designer
University of California - Lake Arrowhead, CA
University of California Chemical Symposium, Social Media Manager
University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA
Teaching Assistant Professional Development Program, Workshop Instructor
Pedagogical Fellow Search Committee, Volunteer
Chemistry Outreach, Volunteer
Laboratory Experiments and Activities in Physical Sciences (LEAPS), Volunteer
Research Saturday, Volunteer
SoCal Undergraduate Research Symposium, Poster Judge
Chapman University - Orange, CA
Mental Health Training​
Safe Space Diversity Training
Summer Academy on Teaching
GameSchool Convention - Irvine, CA
Diversity, Inclusion in Gaming
Gaming SHTEAM​
Gaming for Social and Mental Wellness
Language, Literacy, and Gaming​
University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA
The Summit on Teaching in the 21st Century
University Studies 395, Teaching as Research​
University Studies 390A, Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation​
University Studies 390B, Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation​
University Studies 390C, Advanced Pedagogy and Academic Job Preparation​​
Teaching Assistant Professional Development Program (TAPDP)​
Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Associate
Public Speaking: Activate to Captivate
Improv for Teaching
Southern California PKAL Regional Network Annual Meeting - Pomona, CA
Building More Transparent Assignments and Evaluation in STEM Courses
Inclusive Pedagogy: Finding the Right Approach for You and Your Context
Southern California PKAL Regional Network Annual Meeting - Los Angeles, CA
Active Learning in Chemistry: Using Toys, Simulations, and Data Analysis to Enhance Learning
Southern California PKAL Regional Network Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA
Discipline-based education research 101​
A conversation forum between two and four-year faculty about transfer students
23. Virtual Presentation: "CAS Future Leader 10 Minute Presentation" CAS Future Leader Awards, Online, September 24th, 2020
22. Virtual Presentation: “Card Games Covering Topics in General and Organic Chemistry” AACT Virtual Summer Symposium: Chemistry Games, Online, July 30th, 2020
21. Oral Presentation: “Inorganic Chemistry Card Games by d-Orbital Games” ACS Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2020, Corvallis, OR, July 18th – July 23rd, 2020 (Abstract Accepted – Cancelled Pandemic)
20. Oral Presentation: “Proton NMR Board Game by d-Orbital Games” ACS Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2020, Corvallis, OR, July 18th – July 23rd, 2020 (Abstract Accepted – Cancelled Pandemic)
19. Oral Presentation: “Transition Metal Complexes of Modified Azaphosphatranes” Thesis Defense, Irvine, CA. May 17th, 2019
18. Oral Presentation: “Playing a cooperative 1H NMR board game during office hour: Lessons Learned.” ACS Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2018, South Bend, IN, July 29th – August 2nd, 2018
17. Poster Presentation: “Utilizing Proazaphosphatrane Ligands in Metal Complexes.” UC Chemical Symposium 2018, Los Angeles, CA, March 26th – 28th, 2018
16. Oral Presentation: “Synthesis of Proazaphosphatrane Complexes.” UC-Irvine Inorganic Seminar, Irvine, CA. June 1st, 2017
15. Poster Presentation: “Incorporating a proazaphosphatrane donor into a tripodal ligand.” SoCal Organometallic Winter 2017 Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, December 4th, 2016
14. Poster Presentation: “Incorporating a proazaphosphatrane donor into a tripodal ligand.” SoCal Organometallic Spring 2016 Meeting, Irvine, CA. April 23rd, 2016
13. Oral Presentation: “Incorporating a proazaphosphatrane donor into a tripodal ligand.” 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 13th – 17th, 2016
12. Oral Presentation: “Ligand Design Incorporating Proazaphosphatrane, a Strong Electron Donating Group.” SoCal Organometallic Fall 2015 Meeting, Riverside, CA. December 5th, 2015
11. Oral Presentation: “Incorporation of Lewis acidic or Lewis basic group in the secondary coordination sphere of metal complexes for the modulation of C-H bond formation and cleavage.” 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO. March 22th–26th, 2015
10. Poster Presentation: “Breakdown of CO2 on Pryridinediimine Iron(II) Complexes.” 2nd Western Washington University’s Graduate Research Conference hosted by STEMGRO, June 1st, 2013
09. Poster Presentation: “Breakdown of CO2 on Pyridinediimine Iron(II) Complexes.” Western Washington University’s Scholars Week, Bellingham, WA. May 13-17th, 2013
08. Oral Presentation: “Synthesis and Activity of Pyridinediimine Iron Complexes” Thesis Defense, Bellingham, WA. May 10th, 2013
07. Poster Presentation: “Production of CO Gas from CO2 on Redox-Active Iron(II) Complexes.” 245rd ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 7th–11th, 2013
06. Oral Presentation: “Metalloenzyme Mimics with Hydrogen Bond Directors Located in the Secondary Coordination Sphere.” Thesis Proposal, Bellingham, WA. April 27th, 2012
05. Poster Presentation: “Small-Molecule Activation by Pyridinediimine Iron Complexes.” Western Washington University’s Scholars Week, Bellingham, WA. May 13th-17th, 2012
04. Poster Presentation: “Small-Molecule Activation by Pyridinediimine Iron Complexes.” 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 25th – 29th, 2012
03. Poster Presentation: “Hydrogen Bonding in the Secondary Coordination Sphere of Zinc and Iron Enzyme Mimics.” Western Washington University’s Scholars Week, Bellingham, WA. May 15th-19th, 2011
02. Poster Presentation: “Hydrogen Bonding in the Secondary Coordination Sphere of Zinc and Iron Enzyme Mimics.” 2011 ACS Puget Sound Section Undergraduate Research Symposium, Seattle, WA. April 30th, 2011
01. Oral Presentation: “Metalloenzyme Mimics with Hydrogen Bond Directors Located in the Secondary Coordination Sphere.” Jean Dreyfus Boissevian Lectureship Grant for Visiting Scientist Dr. Christopher Reddy, Bellingham, WA. February 17th, 2011
ACS CAS Future Leaders Award - 2020
Chapman University’s Grand Challenge Initiative Post-doctoral Fellowship - 2019
UCI Dissertation Fellowship - 2018
UCI Chemistry Most Promising Future Chemistry Teacher - 2018
UCI Most Promising Future Faculty Member Award - 2018
UC Chemical Symposium Social Media Award - 2018
UCI Chemistry Outstanding Contributions to the Department Award - 2017
CIRTL Certification, Associate Level - 2017
UCI Pedagogical Fellow Award - 2017
UCI Chemistry Gebel Award - 2016
UCI Graduate Student Travel Grant - 2015
WWU Best Poster Award during Scholars Week - 2013
WWU Enhancement of Graduate Research Award - 2012
WWU Multicultural Achievement Program Scholarship - 2006
Interlake High School Key Club’s Outstanding Club Member Scholarship - 2006